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The Easiest Resistance Band Exercises for Seniors that Promise 100% Results

By Nivedita DixitLast Updated: Sep 10, 2024
band exercise

One thing that people in their old age absolutely crave is physical fitness. 

Once they hit their 50s, health takes a nosedive, and they start experiencing all sorts of health issues. Unfortunately, there’s nothing much they can do to turn things around.

However, this doesn’t mean “the end of the world.” Despite the odds, senior citizens can still bring themselves to live a healthier life if they look at the right places and do the right things. 

Like resistance band exercises!

Several medical professionals, fitness experts, and nutritionists have underscored the importance of resistance band exercises for seniors. Even public health guidelines incessantly promote the need and benefits of resistance band exercises, also called elastic band exercises. 


But, why, though? 

Let’s understand and get to the bottom of this!

Why Choose Resistance Band Exercises For Seniors? 

The idea of resistance band workouts for seniors is gradually catching up. 

Experts are coming forward in droves and championing the cause of low-impact band exercises for seniors to beef up their physical fitness and improve their overall well-being, followed by a longer lifespan. 

“Low-impact” is the code word here.

Nobody is recommending high-intensity, vigorous band exercises for seniors. Instead, emphasis is placed on stretch band exercises that:

  • Put minimal stress on the body. 
  • Don’t overwhelm. 
  • Are considered safer for individuals with joint pain, arthritis, or those recovering from injury. 

One of the standout reasons why resistance band workouts for seniors are recommended is that these can effectively address the problem of poor muscle mass and strength and can help the elderly reverse the symptoms.

Plus, these can be significantly advantageous in terms of promoting flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being in seniors.

If you’re someone in their 50s and beyond — and eager to try out some easy-peasy core exercises to thrive in old age — you’re at the right place. We’ll recommend the best low-impact resistance band exercises for seniors worth trying to combat the age-related loss of muscle mass and regain strength. 

Let’s get started. 

11 Resistance Bands Exercises For Seniors That are Ridiculously Easy


Many low-stress, minimal-impact band exercises for seniors promise impressive results. Here’s the low-down on the 11 best of them. 

When it’s about stretch band exercises for seniors, the importance of warm-up cannot be put aside. Straining yourself right from the start would only take you so far. The real success mantra lies in starting slow. Hydrate yourself, pick some low-intensity workouts, ease into your exercise routine, do some stretching exercises, and gradually pick up the pace. Listen to your body always. 

Now that we’ve shared the word of caution, let’s discover which elastic band exercises for seniors have made it to our list. 

1. Leg Press


Grab a sturdy chair, sit down, and keep your back straight. Wrap the resistance band around your feet and hold the handles. Extend your legs forward, pressing against the band’s resistance. Hold for a moment, then bend your knees back to the start. Remember to keep your back against the chair. Aim for 10-12 reps.

2. Calf Press


Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straight. Loop the resistance band around your left foot and hold the ends. Extend your foot, then point your toes toward the ceiling. Slowly move your toes down as if pressing a pedal. Do this 10-15 times before switching to the other foot. Aim for 10-12 reps per foot.

3. Bent Over Row


Stand or sit on a chair with your feet on the resistance band, hip-width apart. Hold the handles with your arms extended in front of you. Lean forward slightly, keeping your back straight. Pull the handles towards your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly release back to the starting position. Do 10-12 reps.

4. Glute Bridges


Lie on the floor with your feet hip-width apart and the resistance band looped around your thighs. Place your arms by your sides. Lift your hips, pushing through your heels, until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Push your knees apart to stretch the band. Lower back down slowly. Aim for 10 reps.

5. Reverse Fly


Stand with the resistance band under your feet, holding each end in your hands. With a slight bend in your elbows, lift your arms to the sides until they reach shoulder height. Hold for a second, then slowly lower them back down. Do 10-12 reps.

6. Chest Pull


Stand up straight, holding the ends of the resistance band. Bring the band to chest height with your elbows bent. Engage your core, then pull the band apart, extending your arms without straining. Slowly release back to the start. Aim for 10-15 reps.

7. Lateral Raise


Stand on the resistance band. Hold the handles with your arms by your sides and palms facing your body. Raise your arms to the sides until shoulder height, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Lower them back down slowly. Do 8-10 reps to feel the intensity of the workout.

8. Chest Press


Anchor the resistance band at chest height and face away from it. Hold the handles with your palms facing forward. Step forward to create tension in the band. Extend your arms straight out before you, then slowly bring them back towards your chest. Repeat 10-12 times.

9. Squats


Stand in the center of the resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the handles at shoulder height with palms facing inward. Lower into a squat by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, like sitting in a chair. Keep tension in the band throughout. Push through your heels to stand back up. Do 10 reps.

10. Bicep Curls


Stand with your feet hip-width apart on the resistance band. Hold the handles with your arms fully extended. Bend your elbows to curl the band towards your shoulders. Slowly lower back down to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

11. Tricep Extensions


Stand with one foot ahead of the other to balance well. Take the resistance band and place one end in your right hand and the other in your left. Lift your right arm high, with your elbow held near your head. Place the band on the side of your body using your left hand. Pull the band up with your right arm fully extended, then slowly bring it down to the starting position. Perform 10-12 reps on one arm and switch to the other arm.

What Precautions Should Seniors Take While Doing Resistance Band Exercises?

However, before engaging in resistance band exercises, there are several precautionary measures that seniors should take to avoid injury.

1. Consult with Your Doctor

It is advisable for the senior citizens to seek advice from their doctor before they commence any new exercise routine. It becomes even more important if you have some injuries, health issues, or any concerns regarding your physical health.

2. Warm Up Properly

In the beginning, it is recommended to have a proper warm-up to get the body ready for the training. Light aerobic exercises like walking or cycling can be performed, and dynamic stretching exercises should be done to loosen the muscles and joints. Stretches before performing resistance band workouts can help prevent injuries during the training session.

3. Select the Correct Resistance Value

Choose a resistance band that will provide enough resistance without putting too much stress on the muscles or joints. It is therefore critical to select the right amount of resistance to get the best and safest workout. Progressively increase the difficulty of the exercise by increasing the resistance, but remember to keep good form and technique at all times.

4. Maintain Proper Form Throughout

Ensure that you have the right form and technique when performing each exercise to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout. Don’t make sudden and abrupt movements or strain too much by going beyond your comfort zone, and be aware of your body’s signals. In case of pain or discomfort, discontinue the exercise and correct your posture.

Parting Thoughts

There’s a growing buzz around resistance band exercises for seniors, and for the right reasons. 

Not only are these exercises pure fun but also deliver impressive results to seniors by maximizing muscle mass, flexibility, and overall functional fitness like regaining balance. Moreover, these exercises are low-impact, making up an ideal exercise regimen for seniors having limited mobility issues. 

Consequently, it is advised that seniors consider seeking advice from their physicians, warm up before performing these exercises, choose the right level of resistance, and perform the exercises correctly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are resistance band exercises safe for seniors?

Yes. Resistance band exercises are safe for seniors to do as long as they do them correctly. They are low-impact exercises that do not leave joints and muscles strained. However, beginners should start slowly and opt for easy exercises. They must scale up the intensity slowly to avoid injury. 

What are the benefits of resistance band exercises for seniors?

Some of the reasons why seniors should consider resistance band exercises are improved flexibility, mobility, balance, and improved strength in legs and upper body. These exercises also help preserve muscle mass and manage symptoms of other diseases. 

Can resistance band exercises help seniors with rehabilitation?

Yes, resistance band exercises can benefit seniors who are in the process of rehabilitation, serving as an excellent tool for building muscle tone, flexibility, and movement. These also help in recovery from injuries or surgeries. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a physiotherapist for proper guidelines.

How often should seniors perform resistance band exercises?

Resistance band workouts can be done twice or thrice a week – and at least once a day, depending on individual preferences. It’s recommended that you listen to the body and make sure that you get enough rest, especially if you’re a beginner or anyone with health complications.

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