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What Age is Considered Senior Citizen? Embrace The Golden Years of Adulthood

By Sona ElizabethLast Updated: Sep 10, 2024
age is considered senior citizen

Reaching the “Senior Citizen” stage in life is not something many people can accept freely and easily. If you find yourself searching “What age is considered senior citizen?”, let me tell you, it’s more of a feeling than a practical age. 

Some people accept this senior stage when they retire, while for others it’s when they start having regular check-ups and sign up for social security, some, on the other hand, are never ready to accept this stage. 

Who is a Senior Citizen?

senior citizen

The definition of a senior citizen is subjective and differs for different people. From the point of view of society, a senior citizen is someone who is retired and is eligible to access social security, and medicare benefits.

But from a cultural point of view, it might look a bit different. Culturally, a senior citizen is someone who is wise and has seen every shade of gray in their life. Someone who has achieved their dreams with or without regrets.

Personally, every elderly person feels different about this age, and if you think you’re finally ready to accept your gray hair with a lifetime of experience, let’s know what age is considered a senior citizen.

At What Age Are You Considered a Senior Citizen?

senior citizen 

The golden age of 65 is normally associated with the term senior citizen, which has been quite debated over the years. If we take this distinction, according to the census of the United States, at least 1 out of 6 people is considered a senior citizen, that has significantly grown in the last hundred years.

There isn’t a universally recognized age for elderhood, which is why it varies by country and program. However, in countries like United States, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. the benchmark age for benefits and services is considered 65.

Embracing the senior age is not easy and similar process for everyone. It varies from individual to individual. Step away from the hectic work schedule, find new activities/hobbies and fun games that excite you, and also spend more time with your family. 

Milestones Seniors Should Look Out For

You might still want to stay young and fresh, but time and tide wait for no one. If age is just a number and answers to questions like “What age are you considered a senior citizen” don’t sit right with you, here are some milestones that can help indicate if you’ve become a senior citizen. 

1. Change in health 

Once old age starts to approach, health conditions start to deteriorate, and conditions such as hearing loss, cataracts and refractive errors, back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, and hypertension start to appear. 

If the condition is serious, the elderly person might need a hearing and walking aid, after which feeling young might just be a little difficult. 

Health concerns with senior citizen 

2. Qualifying for Medicare  

The age of 65 is when you qualify for medicare, which is a federal health insurance program. Medicare is a primary insurance that is generally for aging adults. 

Think of it as a way for society to indicate that you are now in the golden age. 

Medicare for Senior citizen 

3. Senior Discounts 

When you start receiving senior discounts at places like grocery stores, restaurants, tourist attractions, etc., that’s when you should know you have entered elderhood. 

You can find these deals in travel, retail stores, entertainment bookings, hotels, car rentals, and much more! So, while you reflect on calling yourself a senior citizen, do not forget to make use of these discounts!   

senior citizen in grocery store

4. Stepping down from work 

Retiring from work is a huge milestone toward seniorhood. Feeling tired and fed up with work is quite common when you’ve done it for decades! 

Retiring doesn’t mean you have to sit idly at home; if you like working, you can still opt for some jobs that are especially for elderly people.  

senior citizen at work

Benefits of Being a Senior Citizen 

Entering seniorhood might feel like a different stage in life altogether, but it has its advantages. Here are some to begin with ~ 

  1. Government Programs — Government programs like the Department of Elder Affairs, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, and the Area Agency on Aging are provided for the elderly with an age eligibility of 60. 
  1. Entertainment discounts — You’ll always see senior citizen criteria in entertainment establishments where they get price slashes on everything! Be it a movie theater or amusement hall, there are always some exceptions for senior citizens.
  1. Tax Breaks — After paying taxes for almost your whole life you’ll finally get some relaxation in seniorhood! An individual, who is 60 or above, can qualify for a homestead exemption on property tax. And if you’re 65, you can also qualify for a widow/widower exemption or a disability exemption.
  1. Medicare program — Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people above 65, or older in the US. Medicare covers a wide range of medical services for the elderly, including hospital stays, routine doctor visits, and preventive care. 
  1. Senior discounts in retail stores — Many retail stores have their own discount charts for senior citizens. So on your next restaurant visit, don’t forget to ask for a senior citizen discount. 
  1. Local Transport Assistance — Many companies in the US have initiated pick-and-drop services where they help the elderly and ride them to grocery stores, doctor appointments, and other places. 

Embracing the Senior Citizen Identity

Senior citizens.webp

Embracing old age and the stage of becoming a senior citizen opens doors to a new and more relaxed lifestyle.

The transition to elderhood is an emotional as well as psychological process. Although it is not as intense as teenage or adulthood, one notices considerable changes in body as well as mind in the senior citizen age. 

The phrase “age is just a number” is a great way to accept this stage of life. Society may have different opinions and stereotypes regarding age and being a senior citizen, but it’s important to remember that age does not define a person’s capabilities and self-worth. 

Celebrating every stage of life is a very effective way to embrace the senior citizen identity. Aging is a natural and inevitable process so take pride in the wisdom and knowledge collected throughout the years. Remember that age is not a limitation but a milestone in the journey of life. 

Final Words 

So if you keep on asking yourself, “What is senior citizen age” let me tell you, theoretically, it’s 60 to 65, but psychologically, it’s when you’re ready. Embrace elderhood and enter the stage of being a senior citizen gracefully, with lots of elderly advantages! 

Whether it’s accessing healthcare, enjoying discounts, or participating in community activities, recognizing the onset of senior citizenship can be an empowering step toward embracing this rewarding stage of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Considered A Senior Citizen?

It is generally considered that anyone who reaches 60 or 65 is becoming a senior citizen.

Is 55 considered a senior citizen?

In California, you might consider yourself a senior citizen when you start qualifying for various age-specific benefits. 

Is 60 a senior citizen in the USA?

It is generally considered that anyone who reaches 60 or 65, a senior citizen in the United States. 

What age is the youngest senior citizen?

Once you turn 55 you enter the senior citizen age, however, you may not get the benefits until you turn 60 or 65. 

Sona Elizabeth
Sona Elizabeth

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Psychotherapist, Elder Care Specialist and Writer

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